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"Tea Tasting Notes" Notizbuch

"Tea Tasting Notes" Notizbuch
Artikelnr.: 71011

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- Tipps & Hinweise zur Zubereitung
- 20 Tee-Bewertungsseiten
- CO2 neutral gedruckt auf 100% Recyclingpapier

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Average rating of 4.5 out of 5 stars

Japanese Black Tea Yakushima - Organic
A honey-golden cup colour and a flowery rounded aroma characterise this black tea from the name-giving island Yakushima, a dreamlike natural idyll of the Kagoshima Prefecture about 60 km south of the main island Kyushu. Amidst the lush forests of a nature reserve, which has been declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO, the tea grows here in small tea gardens, which are cultivated by the Fujiwara family according to EC organic guidelines. In contrast to conventional black tea, the fermentation time for this Japanese black tea is somewhat shorter and varieties are used that are traditionally used mainly for green tea.

Content: 0.05 kg (€279.00* / 1 kg)


Available, delivery time: 1-3 working days (in Germany)

Average rating of 4.2 out of 5 stars

Japan Oolong Karasu - Bio
The KEIKO Special Tea segment represents our "non-green" teas. Rarities that are difficult to find but have convinced that they deserve their spot on tea shelves everywhere. The KEIKO Japan Oolong Karasu is the newest addition to this range. Oolong tea is "half-fermented", which means it can be placed in between the very lightly fermented KEIKO Benifuuki teas and the Japanese Black Teas Kawanabe and Yakushima.Oolong originated in China and is translated as the "black dragon". The Japanese signs used for Oolong tea differ slightly and are a combination of the signs for crow, dragon and tea. The sign for crow on its own is read "Karasu" - giving a name to our tea.Like the Japanese Black Tea Yakushima the KEIKO-Oolong is grown in the organic tea garden of the Fujiwara family on the beautiful island of Yakushima - a lush, subtropical paradise that has been declared UNESCO world natural site. It is made from the first spring harvest of the undshaded tea plants of our signature cultivar Yutaka Midori.<b>Aroma:</b>Oolong Karasu has a particularly soft, velvety aroma with a honey-like sweetness, subtle vanilla notes and the delicate fruity taste of ripe peaches.<b>Preparation:</b>Oolong is traditionally "washed" with the first infusion by pouring hot water over it and draining it directly. You can omit this step with this oolong and let the first infusion steep at about 90°C for about 1 minute - this allows you to enjoy the full range of flavor of the tea.The tea has a clear orange-golden color in the infusion and has a very high yieald. It can be re-infused several times with a few seconds of infusion time, the infusion time can then be extended again slightly for the last infusion. <b>Storage:</b> We recommend to store the opened packade in a cool and dry space.  

Content: 0.04 kg (€323.75* / 1 kg)


Available, delivery time: 1-3 working days (in Germany)

Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars

Genmaicha with Matcha - Organic Japanese Green Tea
Kabuse Genmaicha + Matcha is a traditional speciality made of green tea mixed with roasted rice (Genmai) and fresh green tea powder (Matcha). Kabusecha from the second picking is used for the KEIKO Genmaicha + Matcha creating a full flavour with a pleasant roasted note in the infusion. The Matcha Powder adds a magnificent, intense green colour as well as all its nutrients and aroma to the mix. The rich aroma makes Genmaicha a popular accompaniment to meals. When it is cold, the pleasant roasting aromas warm up, but even on warm days, a cold Genmaicha (prepared hot as usual and then set in the fridge to cool down) is a wonderful refreshment.   In order to preserve the precious flavours and ingredients of the tea as best as possible, we ask you to seal the bag well and store it cool and dark - ideally in your refrigerator or freezer.

Content: 0.05 kg (€170.00* / 1 kg)

Variants from €9.95*

Available, delivery time: 1-3 working days (in Germany)

Teacup small, artisan edition, porcelain, 160ml
Item No. 40110.1 Beautifully delicate, white teacup made on a hand operated potters wheel in a small manufacture in Germany. The cup has a silky matte surface on the outside and a glossy, thin celadon-glaze on the inside. The slightly translucent, thin and lightweight composition of the porcelain make this cup a delight to drink from. Each of these handcrafted cups is unique, so shape, colour or size may vary slightly while small particles of ash may leave beauty marks on the cup, giving each its own allure. Maximum capacity 185ml Measurements: 9 x 5cm The teacup can be cleaned in the dishwasher.


Not available

Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars

Soshun - Organic Japanese Green Tea
Soshun, "early spring" is from early first picking in the middle to end of April. It has a wonderfully rich, complex and sweet fragrance and a velvety harmonious taste. The cup is a luminous green. This tea is an unforgettable pleasure not only for connoisseurs. Kabusecha Kabusecha is a green tea for which the tea plants are shaded, thus forming a high content of chlorophyll and other active ingredients and at the same time little bitter substances. Their characteristic "shade aroma" is called "ooika".   Fukamushicha   Like many KEIKO teas, this is an intensively steamed tea (Fukamushi-cha, 100 - 120 seconds steaming time). Due to the gentle steaming process, the leaf pores open and the extracts from the tea leaf reach the water more easily and quickly. This can be recognized by the deep green tea colour in the cup and the yield of the tea - with top qualities up to 4 infusions are possible! Cold Brew       Intensively steamed early pickings are also particularly suitable for cold infusions (Mizudashi or Cold Brew). By infusing the leaves with cold water you will get an intensive and refreshing tea after only a few minutes. Since the bitter substances do not dissolve as strongly in cold water, the sweet aromas of the Kabusecha are especially noticeable. Storage In order to preserve the precious flavours and ingredients of the tea as best as possible, we recommend to seal the bag well and store it cool and dark - ideally in your refrigerator or freezer. 

Content: 0.05 kg (€490.00* / 1 kg)

Variants from €23.95*

Available, delivery time: 1-3 working days (in Germany)

Average rating of 2 out of 5 stars

Thermometer, plastic
Item No. 40182.1 A tea-thermometer is a must for the tea-perfectionist. The right water temperature is crucial for achieving the best possible aroma, taste and extract content. High quality thermometer, measuring range -10°C to +100°C, 14cm with plastic case


Available, delivery time: 1-3 working days (in Germany)

Average rating of 4.7 out of 5 stars

Benifuuki No. 1 - Organic Japanese Green Tea
Unlike regular Green Tea this Japanese green tea specialty from the 1st picking in May is slightly fermented. It comes from the tea variety "Benifuuki" and has a very high content of the antioxidative or antiallergic catechines EGCg and 3MeEGCg (EGCg3). The scent and flavor of this years harvest, when all conditions are just right during the time of the Benifuuki Spring picking surprised even us. We are delighted by this new harvest: As soon as you open the package a wonderful smell streams out, characteristic for Benifuuki and a little like that of very fine Oolong tea. The leaf structure is good and of a luscious green. In the cup the tea develops a soft green color with golden reflexions and caresses the tongue with playfully fruity and light with a subtle tartness and the elegant notes of jasmine in the scent.  Storage In order to preserve the precious flavours and ingredients of the tea as best as possible, we recommend to seal the bag well and store it cool and dark - ideally in your refrigerator or freezer.  The production and also the fragrance are similar to that of Oolong tea. However, the freshly harvested leaves are not simply heated, but steamed briefly at especially high temperatures. Furthermore, the partial fermentation does not take place in a warm environment as with Oolong, but in the dark at a low temperature. Only the further drying and pressing process corresponds to that of Oolong tea. Thanks to this special processing this unusual tea stays green like a real Japanese tea!

Content: 0.05 kg (€259.00* / 1 kg)

Variants from €14.95*

Available, delivery time: 1-3 working days (in Germany)

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"Diese wunderbare Bitterkeit" von Christoph Peters
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Available, delivery time: 1-3 working days (in Germany)


Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars

Kabuse Sencha Tasting Set - Organic Japanese Green Tea
Can't decide which tea should be your next? Looking for the perfect gift for a tea-enthusiast (to be)? This Tasting Set gives you the opportunity to test five of the KEIKO teas of the early first plucking to explore the different flavours - find your personal favourite.The set contains 15g of each tea variety: Kabuse Diamond LeafKabuse Tenbu FukaKabuse DanKabuse SoshunKabuse Tenko<h3>Tea Tasting Notes</h3>Also included is a notebook where you can record the results and observations from your tastings. The notebook contains info and tips on preparation and 20 evaluation pages that give clues on what to look for when tea tasting and help visualise the diversity of varieties, the influence of preparation on taste and the classification of flavours (German language, CO2 neutral printed on 100% recycled paper).The notebook is in German only, but you can download an English translation for it here.<h3>Kabusecha</h3>Kabusecha or Kabuse Sencha stands for shaded Sencha. For this green tea, the tea plants are shaded with special nets before harvesting. The nets allow only about half of the light to pass through, which means that the plants produce a high content of chlorophyll and other active substances and at the same time few bitter substances. Their characteristic "shade aroma" is called "ooika".<h3>Fukamushicha</h3>The teas in this set have all been intensively steamed (fukamushi-cha, 100 - 120 seconds steaming time). The gentle steaming opens the leaf pores and the extracts pass from the tea leaf more easily and quickly into the water. This can be recognised by the deep green colour of the tea in the cup and the yield of the tea - with top qualities like these, 4 infusions are possible!<h3>Preparation</h3>We recommend an infusion temperature of 60-65°C for these teas. Let the first infusion steep for about 1 minute, for later infusions just steep briefly and pour out after a few seconds. For the last infusion, the infusion time can be extended a little more to get all the goodness out of the tea. Intensely steamed early pluckings are also particularly suitable for cold infusions (Mizudashi). Even with cold water, you get an intense and refreshing tea after just a few minutes. Since the bitter substances do not dissolve as strongly in cold water, the sweetish aromas of Kabusecha come into their own. For a cold-brew steep the tea leaves in cold water for at least 5 Minutes.Incidentally, the early pluckings also have a particularly high theanine content, which is noticeable in the sweet taste and comes out best at a low infusion temperature!<h3>Storage</h3>In order to preserve the valuable aromas and ingredients of the tea in the best possible way, we ask you to close the bag tightly and store it in a cool, dark place in the fridge or freezer.

Content: 75 g (€53.27* / 100 g)


Available, delivery time: 1-3 working days (in Germany)