The match whisks are made by hand from bamboo. To do this, the bamboo stick is cut at the top end to create fine tines, which are then bent into shape. The larger the diameter of the bamboo used, the more tines can be formed. This is how the different sizes (80, 100, 120) are created.
When whisking, you will notice that the tea is easier to whisk with the larger whisks and the foam is finer.
A long, narrow whisk is particularly suitable for smaller matcha bowls.
Different types of bamboo also have different properties. For example, "Golden Bamboo" is particularly stable due to its higher elasticity, making the brooms made from it particularly durable.
To keep matcha whisks in shape for as long as possible, we recommend soaking the ribs in warm water for a short time before use and using a Kusenaoshi matcha whisk stand for storage.