Türkise Matchaschale - Unikat


Product number: 40600.4
Product information "Türkise Matchaschale - Unikat"
Handgefertigte, türkis glasierte Seto-Yaki Matchaschale (Chawan).
Seto-yaki bezeichnet eine Art von japanischer Töpferware, Steinzeug und Keramik, die in und um das Dorf Seto in der Präfektur Aichi, Japan, hergestellt wird. Der japanische Begriff "Setomono" wird auch als Oberbegriff für alle Töpferwaren verwendet. In Seto befand sich einer der sechs antiken Brennöfen Japans. Die in Seto hergestellten Töpferwaren gehen auf das 13. Jahrthundert zurück.


Die Schale ist etwa 8cm hoch, hat einen Durchmesser von 11,5cm und wiegt 320g. Befüllt werden Matchaschalen eigentlich nie ganz, sondern nur zu etwa 1/3 mit ca. 100ml pro Portion.

Die Matchaschale stammt aus der Sammlung von Markus Hastenpflug - KEIKO Gründer und Geschäftsführer und leidenschaftlicher Sammler einzigartiger Japanischer Teekeramiken. Bisher waren diese Stücke nur den Besuchern unseres Teehauses in Diepholz vorbehalten - nun möchten wir Ihnen auch online einige der Schalen vorstellen.

Lesen Sie mehr zu der Sammelleidenschaft von Markus Hastenpflug in unserem Grüntee Blog



Origin: Japan

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Supreme - Organic Japanese Matcha
The Matcha Supreme is our mildest and yet most aromatic Matcha and is ideal for both connoisseurs and new discoverers of Matcha. It has a very intense colour and a complex scent. Matcha Supreme is characterized by its smooth, almost creamy taste and its intense yet mild aftertaste. Matcha Supreme is perfectly suited for the thick preparation as Koicha but is also a pleasure as Usucha. Genuine Japanese Matcha freshly ground in Germany The tea plants from which Matcha is made are traditionally 90% shaded. The plants develop a lot of chlorophyll, theanine and caffeine, but slightly fewer bitter substances. After steaming & drying the tea leaves, the leaf tissue is separated from the leaf veins. The delicate, flake-like leaf tissue particles are called "Tencha" and are later very slowly ground into high-quality Matcha on traditional granite stone mills. In order to preserve the sensitive ingredients in the best possible way, we at KEIKO grind the Matcha on genuine Japanese granite stone mills directly at our location in Diepholz, fresh when required. Did you know that traditional Matcha develops uniquely fine aromas, from mild and nut-like to intensive and grassy thanks to the elaborate production techniques? Storage In order to preserve the precious aromas and ingredients of Matcha in the best possible way, we recommend to seal the Matcha well and store it in a cool and dark place.

Content: 0.03 kg (€1,366.67* / 1 kg)


Available, delivery time: 1-3 working days (in Germany)

Matcha measuring spoon, light bamboo
Item No. 40226.1 Matcha measuring spoon (Chashaku) made of bamboo. Use 1-2 heaped spoons of Matcha (per 100ml) for one bowl of Usucha. The exact amount can vary depending on the type of Matcha and your personal taste, but you will quickly find the right amount of Matcha for your taste after a few tries. Start with a higher dosage and if it is too strong add some extra water and use less powder the next time. Make sure the spoon does not get wet, since the water will roughen the surface making the powder stick to it. Clean with a dry cloth instead.

Matcha whisk, light, size 80
Item No. 40115.1 The classic among the Matcha whisks (Chasen) in size 80. The handcrafted bamboo Matcha whisks are essential for creating the fine foam-top on your Matcha and making sure the powder dissolves without leaving lumps or a grainy texture. The finer the prongs of the whisk (indicated by a larger size) the better the results. For the easy preparation at home we recommend to first add only a small amount of water to the Matcha Powder and use the whisk to blend it to a smooth paste. Then add the rest of the water and whisk it up painting an M with the whisk with quick movements from the wrist. Matcha whisks are made from bamboo-sticks that are cut into fine prongs at the top and then bent into shape. The thicker the bamboo and the higher/sturdier the quality, the more prongs can be made, which is reflected in the different sizes (i.e. 80, 100, 120). Although the numbers traditionally refer to the amount of prongs, the width of the bamboo and the fineness of the prongs are actually more relevant to the size indications. You will notice that especially Usucha is easier to whisk up with a larger whisk. When a smaller Matcha bowl is used however, a slender whisk is more suitable.


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