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KEIKO Tea Gift Certificate

KEIKO Tea Gift Certificate
The perfect gift for every tea lover - let the recipient choose from the variety of tea specialties, accessories, sweets and cosmetics or a personalized tea tasting at our tea house at the Kranichgarten. 
The gift certificate can be redeemed at and at the KEIKO Teestube in Diepholz for the entire range of products there. The voucher code will be provided to you directly after the order is completed and will be activated as soon as the payment is completed. 
The voucher can also be sent as a print version or directly to the recipient by mail. The value voucher is valid indefinitely and can be used for the purchase of goods and tastings. Only one value voucher can be redeemed per order. It cannot be combined with other value vouchers. If the price of the product to be purchased with a value voucher is lower than the nominal amount of the value voucher used as a means of payment, the difference remains as credit. This credit can be used to purchase further products. A cash payment of the difference, which does not bear interest, is excluded. 
The voucher is transferable. The seller can pay with discharging effect to the respective holder. This does not apply if the seller has knowledge or grossly negligent ignorance of the ineligibility, legal incapacity or lack of power of representation of the respective holder.
Shimodozono International GmbH
Strothestrasse 50
49356 Diepholz
Phone: 05441-9959560
Fax: 05441-9959569

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"Diese wunderbare Bitterkeit" von Christoph Peters
Christoph Peters erzählt von seinem Werdegang als Tee-Enthusiast. Von den ersten Begegnungen mit dem Kräutertee aus dem gut abgelagerten Teebeutel in der letzten Ecke des Küchenschranks mit dem in der Kindheit die Magenschmerzen kuriert werden sollten über Tee als eine Art Statussymbol in der Internatszeit und kulinarische Reiseerfahrungen kommt Peters schließlich im Rahmen von Recherchen für sein Buch Mitsukos Restaurant nicht umhin, sich genauer mit der japanischem Teezeremonie zu beschäftigen. Mit bemerkenswerter Beharrlichkeit und viel Hingabe nähert er sich diesem so fremden Ritual und beschreibt auf entspannte Art mit viel Hintergrundwissen und einem Augenzwinkern seine Erfahrungen mit dieser wunderbaren Bitterkeit.Teefreunde werden sich wohl in der einen oder anderen Situation wiedererkennen und sich ein Schmunzeln kaum verkneifen können...ein Buch, dass Lust macht auf Tee!


Available, delivery time: 1-3 working days (in Germany)

"Tea Tasting Notes" Notizbuch
Artikelnr.: 71011Die Teewelt hat so einiges zu bieten, da kann man schon mal den Überblick verlieren. Mit den Tea Tasting Notes können Sie Ihre Eindrücke festhalten. Die Bewertungsseiten geben Anhaltspunkte, worauf dabei zu achten ist und helfen die Vielfalt der Sorten, den Einfluss der Zubereitung auf den Geschmack und die Einordnung der Aromen zu visualisieren.- Tipps & Hinweise zur Zubereitung- 20 Tee-Bewertungsseiten- CO2 neutral gedruckt auf 100% RecyclingpapierWeitere Infos zum Tea Tasting Set und dem Tea Tasting Notes Notizbuch finden Sie auch in unserem Grüntee Blog zum Thema.


Available, delivery time: 1-3 working days (in Germany)

(premium product)
Prämienartikel hinzufügen Dieser Artikel kann bei entsprechendem Bestellwert gratis zur Bestellung hinzugefügt werden. Bitte gehen Sie dazu auf 'Warenkorb bearbeiten' und dann unter "Prämie wählen" beim gewünschten Artikel auf "Prämie auswählen". Der Artikel erscheint dann deutlich mit 'Gratis' markiert im Warenkorb.Für eine ausführliche Beschreibung des Artikels schauen Sie bitte in den Originalartikel.


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Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars

Aki-Bancha - Organic Japanese Green Tea
Bancha is produced from the pruning after the main harvest, using mainly the larger leaves. For the Aki-Bancha, the unshaded leaves from the pruning of the autumn harvest are used. Aki Bancha is light green in the cup and has a finely tart, refreshing aroma. Because of the low caffeine content of the autumn harvest, the autumn Bancha is also suitable for consumption in the early evening. In Japan, Bancha is often served in restaurants for dinner. An ideal green tea for families and beginners. Storage In order to preserve the precious flavours and ingredients of the tea as best as possible, we recommend to seal the bag well and store it cool and dark - ideally in your refrigerator or freezer. 

Content: 0.2 kg (€75.00* / 1 kg)


Available, delivery time: 1-3 working days (in Germany)

Benifuuki Info Brochure, English
Die Infobroschüre gibt Ihnen eine Übersicht über das KEIKO Benifuuki-Sortiment und die Zubereitung, sowie Infos zu den Inhaltsstoffen dieses spannenden Kultivars.Sprache: Englisch


Available, delivery time: 1-3 working days (in Germany)

Benifuuki Info Leaflet, German
Item No. 60013.1 This leaflet offers an overview of the KEIKO Benifuuki products and their preparation as well as info on the ingredients of this unique and interesting cultivar. Language: German


Available, delivery time: 1-3 working days (in Germany)

Coaster, round, black laquer
  Item no.: 40323.1 Round, black and red lacquered saucer with elegantly curved rim.The area in the center of the plate provides enough space for different cup sizes, and the lightly textured surface provides support for the bowl. Dimensions 11,5 x 11,5 cm


Available, delivery time: 1-3 working days (in Germany)

Coaster, round, red laquer
Item no.: 40322.1 Round, red and black lacquered saucer with elegantly curved rim.The area in the center of the plate provides enough space for different cup sizes, and the lightly textured surface provides support for the bowl.   Dimensions 11,5 x 11,5 cm


Available, delivery time: 1-3 working days (in Germany)

Coaster, round, wood
Round saucer made of dark stained wood with elegantly curved rim.The fine grooves in the center of the plate provide support for the tea bowl and enough space for different foot sizes. Dimensions 11 x 11 cm


Available, delivery time: 1-3 working days (in Germany)

Cold brewer "ooika"
Item No. 42200 The Ooika- Cold brewer for the preparation of drip tea can be used with hot OR cold water. However, it is ideal especially for cold brew green tea highlighting the rich yet sweet green fragrance of high quality Kabusecha, known amongst tea-connoisseurs as Ooika. The Cold brewer consists of two glass vessels which are connected with a rubber base with a small opening, which lets the water drip into the stainless steel strainer underneath and then into the lower vessel. To prepare your cold drip Green Tea measure 2-3 teaspoons of tea into the sieve (make sure the tea covers the bottom of the strainer evenly) and fill the upper vessel with 600 to 900ml of water. You can also use ice cubes to make a Kouridashi-brew, either letting them melt slowly to drip over the tea or just add them to your tea once its ready. The preparation takes between 25 and 45 minutes. You can adjust the speed by pushing the little knob deeper into the rubber base to slow the water flow or pulling it back out to speed it up. Best suited for this type of preparation is deep steamed (fukamushi) Kabusecha from an early picking, as these will best release the aroma and all the valuable ingredients of the tea but also the least astringency. Our Tip: Serve the cold drip tea in wine-glasses to surprise your dinner guests with a tasty refreshing alternative to alcohol!


Available, delivery time: 1-3 working days (in Germany)

Cooling vessel, dark
Green tea should not be infused with boiling water. However, we recommend boiling the water once, as this makes it softer and reduces the lime content. To cool the water down, the Japanese then use so-called yuzamashi - cooling vessels with a spout. By decanting the water, the temperature drops a little faster and the elegant, simple vessel looks good with any tea set. Tip: if you want to fill several cups, you can pour the tea into the cooling vessel first and then pour it out. This ensures that the tea is equally strong in all cups. And if the cups are already full but there is still tea left in the pot, the tea can be stored temporarily in the cooling vessel without it becoming ‘bitter’ in the pot due to excessive infusion time. This cooling vessel has a slightly uneven, corrugated surface with practical recessed grips and a matt, dark surface. The thick-walled clay is easy to handle even in hot temperatures. Dimensions Capacity 260 ml 14 x 10 x 11 cm


Available, delivery time: 1-3 working days (in Germany)

Cooling vessel, light with ring
Green tea is commonly not infused with boiling water. Nevertheless, we recommend boiling the water once, as this softens it and reduces the lime content. To cool down the water, the Japanese then use so-called yuzamashi - cooling vessels with a spout. By decanting, the temperature drops a little faster and the elegant, simple vessel looks good with any tea set. Tip: If you want to fill several cups, you can first pour the tea into the cooling vessel and then pour it out. So you make sure that the tea is equally strong in all cups. And if the cups are already full but there is still tea left in the pot, the tea can be temporarily stored in the cooling pot without it 'bittering' due to too long brewing time in the pot. This cooling pot has a slightly uneven, corrugated surface with practical recessed grips and is covered with a glossy glaze of a very light gray with slight hints of rosé. A fine gray line is painted in the center.The thick-walled clay vessel is easy to handle even in hot temperatures. Dimensions Filling capacity 260 ml14 x 10 x 11 cm


Available, delivery time: 1-3 working days (in Germany)

Dan - Kabuse Sencha, Bio, 15 g


Not available

Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars

Dan - Organic Japanese Green Tea
Dan (english:"warm") is a Kabusecha from the early first picking in April. The stronger firing during drying gives this harmonious tea a deep green cup and its warm, voluminous fragrance. The name of the tea derives from this unusual way of processing: "Warm". This tea impresses with a beguiling, velvety taste.Kabusecha Kabusecha is a green tea for which the tea plants are shaded, thus forming a high content of chlorophyll and other active ingredients and at the same time little bitter substances. Their characteristic "shade aroma" is called "ooika". Fukamushicha   Like many KEIKO teas, this is an intensively steamed tea (Fukamushi-cha, 100 - 120 seconds steaming time). Due to the gentle steaming process, the leaf pores open and the extracts from the tea leaf reach the water more easily and quickly. This can be recognized by the deep green tea colour in the cup and the yield of the tea - with top qualities up to 4 infusions are possible! Cold Brew       Intensively steamed early pickings are also particularly suitable for cold infusions (Mizudashi or Cold Brew). By infusing the leaves with cold water you will get an intensive and refreshing tea after only a few minutes. Since the bitter substances do not dissolve as strongly in cold water, the sweet aromas of the Kabusecha are especially noticeable. Storage In order to preserve the precious flavours and ingredients of the tea as best as possible, we recommend to seal the bag well and store it cool and dark - ideally in your refrigerator or freezer. 

Content: 0.05 kg (€440.00* / 1 kg)


Available, delivery time: 1-3 working days (in Germany)

Average rating of 4.9 out of 5 stars

Diamond Leaf - Organic Japanese Green Tea
This spring tea is harvested in mid-April, after the first leaf buds have opened. Only the most tender leaves are used. Diamond Leaf has a rich, unforgettably fruity aroma and a lovely flowery scent that radiates anticipation as soon as the tin is opened. Kabusecha Kabusecha is a green tea for which the tea plants are shaded, thus forming a high content of chlorophyll and other active ingredients and at the same time little bitter substances. Their characteristic "shade aroma" is called "ooika". Fukamushicha   Like many KEIKO teas, this is an intensively steamed tea (Fukamushi-cha, 100 - 120 seconds steaming time). Due to the gentle steaming process, the leaf pores open and the extracts from the tea leaf reach the water more easily and quickly. This can be recognized by the deep green tea colour in the cup and the yield of the tea - with top qualities up to 4 infusions are possible! Cold Brew       Intensively steamed early pickings are also particularly suitable for cold infusions (Mizudashi or Cold Brew). By infusing the leaves with cold water you will get an intensive and refreshing tea after only a few minutes. Since the bitter substances do not dissolve as strongly in cold water, the sweet aromas of the Kabusecha are especially noticeable. Storage In order to preserve the precious flavours and ingredients of the tea as best as possible, we ask you to seal the bag well and store it cool and dark - ideally in your refrigerator or freezer. 

Content: 0.1 kg (€475.00* / 1 kg)


Available, delivery time: 1-3 working days (in Germany)

Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars

Drinking glass, 250ml
Item No. 40203.1 The wavy shape of this glass follows the principle of the golden ratio, making it not only pleasing to the eye, but is said to have a positive effect on the biological valence of its contents after only about 3 minutes in the glass. This is most noticeable in water developing a softer taste. The Glass is quite resilient and well suited for kids, grownups and the use in restaurants. Because of its shape it stands very steadily and if it does get tipped over it will tilt back into standing position by itself go ahead and try it! Each glass is unique. Small variations in measurements, air-bubbles in the glass are part of the handcrafted experience. The glass can be cleaned in the dishwasher, however we recommend washing it by hand for a longer life span. To remove lime residue rinse the inside of the glass with water and citric acid. The outside should not be treated with citric acid.


Not available

Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars

Drinking glass, six petal rosette, 250ml
Item No. 40202.1 The wavy shape of this glass follows the principle of the golden ratio. In combination with the six petal rosette on the bottom of the glass it is not only pleasing to the eye, but is said to have a positive effect on the biological valence of its contents after only about 3 minutes in the glass. This is most noticeable in water developing a softer taste. The Glass is quite resilient and well suited for kids, grownups and the use in restaurants. Because of its shape it stands very steadily and if it does get tipped over it will tilt back into standing position by itself go ahead and try it! Each glass is unique. Small variations in measurements, colour variations in the symbol or air-bubbles in the glass are part of the handcrafted experience. The glass can be cleaned in the dishwasher, however we recommend washing it by hand for a longer life span. To remove lime residue rinse the inside of the glass with water and citric acid. The outside should not be treated with citric acid.


Available, delivery time: 1-3 working days (in Germany)

Einkaufstasche #teamtheanin - Prämienartikel


Available, delivery time: 1-3 working days (in Germany)

Einkaufstasche #teamtheanin (Prämienartikel)
Prämienartikel hinzufügen Dieser Artikel kann bei entsprechendem Bestellwert gratis zur Bestellung hinzugefügt werden. Bitte gehen Sie dazu auf 'Warenkorb bearbeiten' und dann unter "Prämie wählen" beim gewünschten Artikel auf "Prämie auswählen". Der Artikel erscheint dann deutlich mit 'Gratis' markiert im Warenkorb.Für eine ausführliche Beschreibung des Artikels schauen Sie bitte in den Originalartikel.

Filter-in green bottle - Trinkflasche, klein"Smokey Green", 300ml
Die kleine "Filter-in green bottle"-Trinkflasche mit integriertem Sieb zur Zubereitung von Kaltaufgüssen. Jetzt NEU in der Farbe "Smokey Green" Füllmenge: 300 mlIdeal zur Zubereitung von Grüntee-Kaltaufgüssen- für ein reiches aber mildes Aroma. Je nach Teesorte reichen wenige Minuten für den Aufguss, zum Beispiel KEIKO Shincha Yume (Fukamushi). Für weniger stark gedämpfte Tees oder Kräuter-Infusionen wie KEIKO Shiso Tee empfiehlt sich eine längere Ziehzeit über mehrere Stunden. Dank hitzebeständigem Glas ist die Flasche auch für Heißaufgüsse geeignet - dabei darauf achten, dass nur so viel Wasser eingefüllt wird wie auch gebraucht wird, damit der Tee nicht in der Flasche weiter zieht.Die Flasche bei der Zubereitung nicht Schütteln, sondern nur drehen oder vorsichtig schwenken, da die Teeblätter sonst am integrierten Sieb vorbei schlüpfen können.Tipp: Servieren sie kalt gebrühten Grüntee aus der Flasche zum Essen in Weingläsern als Alternative zu Wein.


Available, delivery time: 1-3 working days (in Germany)

Filter-in green bottle - Trinkflasche,groß "Smokey Green", 750ml
Die große "Filter-in green bottle"-Trinkflasche mit integriertem Sieb zur Zubereitung von Kaltaufgüssen. Jetzt NEU in der Farbe "Smokey Green" Füllemnge 750 mlIdeal zur Zubereitung von Grüntee-Kaltaufgüssen- für ein reiches aber mildes Aroma. Je nach Teesorte reichen wenige Minuten für den Aufguss, zum Beispiel KEIKO Shincha Yume (Fukamushi). Für weniger stark gedämpfte Tees oder Kräuter-Infusionen empfiehlt sich eine längere Ziehzeit über mehrere Stunden. Die Filter-In Bottle wird von Hario in Japan hergestellt. Dank hitzebeständigem Glas ist die Flasche auch für Heißaufgüsse geeignet - dabei darauf achten, dass nur so viel Wasser eingefüllt wird wie auch gebraucht wird, damit der Tee nicht in der Flasche weiter zieht.Die Flasche bei der Zubereitung nicht Schütteln, sondern nur drehen oder vorsichtig schwenken, da die Teeblätter sonst am integrierten Sieb vorbei schlüpfen können.Tipp: Servieren sie kalt gebrühten Grüntee aus der Flasche zum Essen in Weingläsern als Alternative zu Wein.


Available, delivery time: 1-3 working days (in Germany)

Glass teapot with stainless steel strainer-lid
Item no.: 42206 The classic round glass teapot is particularly easy to use thanks to a built-in filter on the lid. As with Kyusu pots, the tea leaves have plenty of room to develop freely in the bellied pot and release their extract into the water - and you can watch them do it wonderfully! The glass pot is perfectly suitable for hot infusions as well as for mizudashi preparation with cold water. Just keep in mind that for hot infusion, the water should be poured out completely after each infusion to prevent the leaves from continuing to steep and making later infusions bitter. For cold infusion, the infusion time is less relevant, since the bitter substances dissolve less in cold water, while the sweet theanine develops particularly well at low temperatures. The infusion time depends strongly on the tea, for Fukamushi green tea already a few minutes are enough for an invigorating, bright green iced tea! <h3>Dimensions</h3> Width: 162 mmDepth: 122 mmHeight: 140 mmPractical filling capacity: 600ml


Available, delivery time: 1-3 working days (in Germany)

Glass teapot with strainer lid. 450 ml
The modern, elegant glass teapot is particularly easy to use thanks to a built-in filter on the lid. As with Kyusu pots, the tea leaves have plenty of room to develop freely and release their extract into the water - and you can watch them do so wonderfully! The glass pot is ideally suited for both hot infusions and mizudashi preparation with cold water. Just remember that for hot infusion, the water should be poured out completely after each infusion to prevent the leaves from continuing to steep and making later infusions bitter. For cold brew tea, the infusion time is less relevant, as the bitter substances dissolve less in cold water, while the sweet theanine develops particularly well at low temperatures. The infusion time is highly dependent on the tea; for Fukamushi green tea, just a few minutes are enough for an invigorating, bright green iced tea! Try also "Infused Water" with e.g. cucumber, lemongrass, ginger or mint in the pot - a pleasure in summer! A video of the pot in action can be found here. Measurementswidth: 130 mm Depth: 100 mmHeight: 123mm Practical filling capacity: 450mlMaterialTeapot: Heat-resistant glassSpout: PCT resinFilter seal: silicone rubberThe three parts can be taken apart and cleaned individually.


Available, delivery time: 1-3 working days (in Germany)

Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars

Glass teapot with strainer-lid, 700 ml
The modern, elegant glass teapot is particularly easy to use thanks to a lid with a built-in filter. As with Kyusu pots, the tea leaves have plenty of room to develop freely and release their extract into the water - and you can watch them do so wonderfully!The glass pot is ideally suited for both hot infusions and mizudashi preparation with cold water. Just remember that for hot infusion, the water should be poured out completely after each infusion to prevent the leaves from continuing to steep and making later infusions bitter. For cold brew tea, the infusion time is less relevant, as the bitter substances dissolve less in cold water, while the sweet theanine develops particularly well at low temperatures. The infusion time is highly dependent on the tea; for Fukamushi green tea, just a few minutes are enough for an invigorating, bright green iced tea!Try also "Infused Water" with e.g. cucumber, lemongrass, ginger or mint in the pot - a pleasure in summer! A video of the pot in action can be found here. MeasurementsWidth: 144 mm Depth: 120 mmHeight: 144mm Practical filling capacity: 700ml MaterialTeapot: Heat-resistant glassSpout: PCT resinFilter seal: silicone rubberThe three parts can be taken apart and cleaned individually.


Available, delivery time: 1-3 working days (in Germany)